Friday, May 05, 2006

Chronicling The Chronicles Of Chronicling Chronicles.

Posting has been tough lately, specially when you see all your friends vowing to update their blogs only on weekends, sighting the mid-year exams and STPM as their main reason. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I resent them in doing so, I admire how they are able to set aside their 'pleasures' and focus on their priorities. I for one, have no will power.

Last week was quite eventful. Many 'Firsts' for me.

After how many months, I was finally installed as monitor of U6BM, it being somewhat a 'first' installation procedure in many many years ( I have not gone through one in a long time). Not quite as I expected. I mean, my classmates knew how important this was to me, sadly no one showed any support. It's sad that my friends from other classes had much more encouragement and support ( and for that, I thank you guys/gals ). Jeniffer said that there wasn't any point coming to school on that day because my installation will take long and Shook Yee hid up in class because , in her own words, ... "I wasn't feeling like going" ... *heaves a big sigh*

Another 'firsts' - Being shouted at by a teacher who hardly scolds anyone. It wasn't my fault but I wasn't given a chance to explain. It was just a simple misunderstanding. But, it was blown out of proportion.Was quite down after that.

Saturday was sadly a day filled with much DOOM. My MUET exam did not go as well as I expected. After finishing the Reading Comprehension Paper, Sonia pointed out a silly mistake I made. I stupidly over interpreted the question. The Writing Paper was a disaster as well. I took too long to write the summary, leaving little time to finish the essay with the topic - Education today should focus on producing creative individuals. ... What the ... ??? *bawls out crying* Then then, the Listening Paper was equally horrible !!! It was very confusing ... Why ? Why ? !!!Stupid MUET exam !

This week was Rat Dissection Week ! ( sounds like a show taken off from National Geographic ) For me, the dissection went fairly well. Although, I did slice my middle finger on the left hand. It bled profusely. Amongst all the threats of failing me, coming from Pn. Hasnani, Shantini helped me clean and put medicine on my wound. Just after plastering up my wound, I felt woozy. Then I felt like throwing up. As I was looking for the nearest place to throw up, I realised I was losing my eyesight. Thats when it struck me that I was on the verge of fainting. All I managed to do is tell Shantini that I am going to faint. Upon instruction, I closed my eyes.

Note: never try breathing deeply when almost fainting, it makes fainting feel worse !

I rested near Pn Hasnani for about a minute, just as long as I lost the feeling of being weak. Pn. Hasnani playfully said that if I fainted she'd leave me there as I was too heavy to be picked up. Haha ! Very funny ! Who tells that to a person feeling extremely sick ? Maybe I should've have vomited near/on her ?! Then she'd shut up ! I guess I almost fainted because I had not eaten the whole day and I lost quite a lot of blood ...

After the dissection, I chose to play with my dissection kit resulting in another cut on my middle finger of my right hand ! Pn. Hasnani said I was mad and the lab assistant said," You ? Again !" ... all I could do was give a very sheepish smile ...

I also settled the problem between the teacher who shouted at me and ... well .. me ! I explained to her what exactly happened. She accepted my explanation but did not apologize ! Even after threatening to destroy my precious testimonials. Ciss ... !

Today was idiotic. Mr. Kali was banging me especially after I said I was from the 1st class from SMK SBS ( I only said it to shut him up ! Unfortunately ...). He just kept twisting and mocking everything I said. Then I kept traveling back and forth from my class to the Biology laboratory. U6BF were doing their rat dissection and I couldn't resist poking my nose here and there. I helped Suzanne and Phak Hoe a little bit and gave some tips to Denise , Raveena and a few others.After they finished, Raveena and Suzanne decided that they look for the rat's brains. What a bloody outcome ! Both Suzanne and Raveena were successful in digging the brains out. Phak Hoe instead, skinned the rat for it's fur to be kept. Ben followed suit. It was one crazy dissection. I wish my class was much more like U6BF. They're much much more fun !

I found out later that Mok had stolen the only remaining rat to rare it. Now it's living in my classroom in a box. It's sort of a mascot for U6BM now. Since it's a female, I named it, ... well .. originally .. Britney !!! But I changed my mind ... she is named "Superkalifragilistikexpeallydocious" ... "Kali" in short !

-conRad- * too lazy to type anymore*


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