Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's Not Easy

It's not easy sometimes when everything you are responsible of comes crashing all at once. Lately, my work, from being a monitor, a treasurer ( for the monitors board ) and Biology group leader, has become quite tough. There's always tons of work to deal with and many characters to face, all which cause more trouble than help. This past week, I have totally neglected my studies ( although it is common that I do this, but this week, I guess I squandered much more than I should have ). Notably, I seem much more tired than before, with all the running during school hours and rushing to tuition and then completing my assignments be it class homework or just plain work !

With all these, I end up wasting time to relax and forget everything what-so-ever that was supposed to be done in the first place !

Then, there's the dealing with my very unruly classmates and schoolmates. Some people can be so insensitive. No matter how dastardly annoying they may be, I remain calm ( that's the only action that holds me together. The one thing that allows me to rationalize ). If not for friends to 'bitch' at, I might've died under all the pressure. It's always hard to be the 'bigger person', especially when people push you to the point of breaking. I guess those who have great responsibilities should remember that people know not of what they do most of the time. They do not rationalize and so we have to listen and stay calm. No matter how heart-breaking it may be, one must realize it takes two to tango, take charge and don't give up. In the end of the day, you must be satisfied with your self. Forget what others think. ( It will always be hard, I too find it hard to abide by this. But, nothing is imPOSSIBLE ).

As hypocritical as this may sound, but I need to rest !!! I feel drained. I'm numb.



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