Friday, November 04, 2005

...make me an instrument of...

Everyone is full of shit ! I am full of shit ! Why do I keeping denying the life full of secrets ? I may type and feel this way now but I still will live this lie ...

Life Sucks ! That's the tag line for most of us ( even if we tell ourselves it isn't ... ). That phrase has been stuck with me since the big economic downfall of Malaysia !

Fuck ! Does shit always have to happen in a whirl wind ? I guess it's how you handle stuff that determines the strength of the "winds of change", right ?

Sometimes, life seems so tragic and yet it seems so rewarding. How do I stand on the positive end of a cliff when the earth beneath is cracking ? How ?

when Hamlet said, " ... To be or not to be ? That is the question ... ". What was he really thinking at that point ?

I'm still working on what I say, " To choose one path of two, or to stay between gravel and tar ? That is the question ! " ( What load of shit !!! )

Fuck Me !

People come and people go, some stay for life and some stay awhile, others stay and demand, whilst others flee in droves ... I live through people and end up unhappy !

One reaps the life and the other sucks blood ... which is thy friend ? One pulls you up the other just stares ... which is thy friend ? Tell me ... which is thy friend ?

I look into a mirror, I see someone else, I look at my reflection, I see the skin tear !

My eyes hurt from the sting of waters , the well runs dry yet flows abundantly ?!

You see but do not feel, You hear but do not say ... Runaway ! Runaway ! Thy ears are falling rotten ! Runaway !

Bitter is the heart of hearts ... Love does not beat within ... Hate resides in the wells of time !

Time ! Time ! It's never enough !

The lies I hear ! The lies I hear ! Screaming ! Shouting ! Screeching !

Every core of my being, bleeding ! Bleeding !

Red ! Blue ! Green ! and Yellow ! , Purple ! Grey ! Orange ! and White ! All turn the hearts to coal of Black ...

Why ! Why ! No ! No !

What's going on ?

What's going on ?



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